Photo of piano keyboard and pianist's hands by Gabriel Gurrola on Unsplash

History, analysis and commentary about western classical music

Introduction to Twentieth Century Music - Credits

Arnold Schoenberg - Pierrot Lunaire
Christine Schafer, Ensemble InterContemporain, Pierre Boulez, DG 457 630-2

Alban Berg - Wozzeck
Paris National Opera, Pierre Boulez, CBS M2K 79251

Igor Stravinsky - The Rite of Spring
London Symphony Orchestra, Claudio Abbado, DG 456 526-2

Anton Webern - Concerto
Ensemble InterContemporain, Pierre Boulez, DG 437 786-2

Olivier Messiaen - Quartet for the End of Time
Hans Deinzer, Saschko Gawriloff, Siegfried Palm, Aloys Kontarsky, EMI CDS 7 47463 8

Pierre Boulez - Le Marteau sans Maitre
Hilary Summers, Ensemble InterContemporain, Pierre Boulez, DG 477 532 2

Karlheinz Stockhausen - Gruppen
Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, Friedrich Goldman, Marcus Creed, Claudio Abbado, DG 447 761-2

Luciano Berio - Sinfonia
New Swingle Singers, Orchestre National de France, Pierre Boulez, Erato 2292-45228-2

Edgard Varese - Poeme Electronique
An Anthology of Noise and Electronic Music Vol. 1 Sub Rosa SR190

John Cage - Sonatas and Interludes
Nigel Butterley, Tall Poppies, TP025

Terry Riley - In C
The New Audience Ensemble

Michael Finnissy - English Country Tunes
Michael Finnissy, Etcetera KTC 1091

Krzysztof Penderecki - Threnody to the Victims of Hiroshima
Polish Radio National Symphony Orchestra, Krzysztof Penderecki, EMI CDM 5 65077 2

Henryk Gorecki - Symphony No 3
Dawn Upshaw, London Sinfonietta, David Zinman, Elektra Nonesuch 7559-79282-2

Aaron Copland - Appalachian Spring
Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra, Dennis Russell Davies Pro Arte CDD 140

Peter Sculthorpe - Sun Music I
Sydney Symphony Orchestra, David Porcelijn, ABC 454 505-2

Ross Edwards - Maninyas: Concerto for Violin and Orchestra
Dene Olding, Sydney Symphony Orchestra, David Porcelijn, ABC 438 610-2