Photo of piano keyboard and pianist's hands by Gabriel Gurrola on Unsplash

History, analysis and commentary about western classical music

Introduction to Twentieth Century Music Part 6

Another Approach: Rejection of the complex music of the 1950s

John Cage (1912 – 1992)

Key interests
  • Dada / Zen Buddhism / Chance / Indeterminacy
  • Challenging what constitutes music and if it is different from noise
  • Innovative and controversial approaches to creating music
  • Most famous/infamous work: 4'33" (4 minutes and 33 seconds of silence)
Sonatas and Interludes (1946 – 1948)

“Hardware” used to make piano into percussion orchestra

Marcel Duchamp Large glass
Marcel Duchamp - Large glass


Some exponents

Terry Riley - In C (1964)

  • Repetitive cells that gradually move in and out of phase
  • Influence of African drumming
  • 53 short phrases that can be repeated any number of times
  • Scored for any number of performers
  • Duration varies from 15 minutes to one hour depending on interpretation

Andy Warhol Campbell's Soup
Andy Warhol - Campbell's Soup