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History, analysis and commentary about western classical music

Introduction to the music of Nigel Butterley - page 5

String Quartets

Butterley composed four string quartets. They are all splendid works. Only String Quartet No 1 has a commercial recording. The CD is called Unfold, performed by the Kreutzer Quartet, an English quartet. A great project in waiting for an Australian string quartet would be to record all four works.

The string quartets are as follows:

String Quartet No 1 (1965)
Dedicated to Diane and Jack Carmody

String Quartet No 2 (1974)
Dedicated to Rod Powell

String Quartet No 3 (1980)
Dedicated to Tom Kennedy

String Quartet No 4 (1995)

As he was working on completing his third string quartet, Butterley wrote that

“my three quartets are about Love: sublimated (1), unfulfilled (2) and fulfilled (3). The third is dedicated to Tom, of course.”

Click on the audio controls to hear the second movement of String Quartet No 3.

CD Cover: Unfold
CD cover: Unfold