Photo of piano keyboard and pianist's hands by Gabriel Gurrola on Unsplash

History, analysis and commentary about western classical music

Berio - Sinfonia - Third movement - Page 6

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Berio bar 391 / Mahler bar 373
  • Soprano 1 sings Mahler in solfege
  • Soprano 2 sings distorted version of Mahler in solfege
  • Alto 2: Dort! (A quote from Berg Wozzeck)
  • Violas, cellos and basses resume Berg Wozzeck
Berio bar 392
  • Violas, cellos and basses quote from Berg Wozzeck turns into glissando that adds to texture of rising figure from Berg Wozzeck in woodwinds
Berio bar 394
  • Bass 2: Heavens! There was a sound! (Quote from Berg Wozzeck in English)
Berio bar 395
  • Climax of musical quote from Berg Wozzeck
Berio bar 396
  • Tenor 1: yes, there! (Quote from Berg Wozzeck in English)
  • Bass 1: Ja, dort! (Quote from Berg Wozzeck)
Berio bar 397
  • Tenor 2: Jesus! Das war ein Ton! (Quote from Berg Wozzeck)
Berio bar 396-407
  • Climax gradually subsides
Berio bar 408 / Mahler bar 396
  • Mahler in clarinet
  • Mahler in retrograde in Violin B
Berio bar 411-414 / Mahler bar 397-400
  • Mahler in flute and clarinet
Berio bar 415-416
  • Original Berio music
Berio bar 411-414 / Mahler bar 397-400
  • Mahler reasserts itself in strings and woodwinds
Berio bar 421-446
  • Snare drum plays Stravinsky Agon
Berio bar 421-428
  • Tenor 1: I am here so little, I see it, I feel it round me it enfolds me, it covers me, if only this voice would stop, for a second ...
Berio bar 429-442
  • Tenor 1: ... it would seem long to me, a second of silence I would listen, I'd know if it was going to ... to start again ... it's late now, and he is still talking incessantly, any old thing, repetition after repetition, talking unceasingly, inside yourself, outside yourself
  • Tenor 2 (A little later and quieter than Tenor 1): It would seem long to me, a second of silence I would listen, I'd know if it was going to start again or if it was stilled for ever what would I know it with, I'd know. And I'd keep on listening
Berio bar 423-443 / Mahler bar 407-427
  • Cello, bass and timpani extend Mahler pedal
Berio bar 429 / Mahler bar 413
  • Piano and violin solo play distorted version of Mahler
Berio bar 430-433
  • Violin solo plays Hindemith Kammermusik No 4
Berio bar 434 / Mahler bar 414
  • Piano and violin solo play distorted version of Mahler
Berio bar 435-436 / Mahler bar 415-416
  • Piano continues distorted version of Mahler
  • Violin solo continues Hindemith Kammermusik No 4
Berio bar 437-440 / Mahler bar 429-432
  • Piano and violin solo continue distorted version of Mahler
Berio bar 435-436 / Mahler bar 415-416
  • Piano continues distorted version of Mahler
  • Violin solo continues Hindemith Kammermusik No 4
  • Violas, cellos and basses play fragments of Mahler
Berio bar 447-453
  • Strings play Beethoven Symphony No 6 mvt II
  • Tenor 1: It's late now, he shall never hear again the lowing cattle, the rush of the stream. In a chamber, dimensions unknown, I do not move and never shall again on long road or short
Berio bar 450
  • Clarinet plays Beethoven Symphony No 6 mvt II
Berio bar 456
  • Tenor 1: The fact is I trouble no one. But I did. And after each group disintegration, the name Majakowsky hangs in the clean air.
Berio bar 457 / Mahler bar 441
  • Mahler fanfare opens this section and is soon swamped by another Berio cluster
Berio bar 464-465 / Mahler bar 451-452
  • Mahler upper woodwinds and upper strings 3 bars early
Berio bar 468-487
  • Full orchestral cluster punctuated by explosive chords from the 8 voices and the keyboards
Berio bar 488
  • Schoenberg Five Pieces for Orchestra mvt IV
Berio bar 489-499
  • Debussy La Mer mvt III with some elaboration and variation by Berio
  • Tenor 1: And when they ask, why all this, it is not easy to find an answer. For, when we find ourselves, face to face, now, here, and they remind us that all this can't stop the wars, can't make the young older or lower the price of bread
Berio bar 490
  • Soprano 2: la mer, la mer toujours recommencee
Berio bar 500-501 / Mahler bar 463-464
  • Schoenberg Five Pieces for Orchestra in brass
  • Mahler in lower strings
Berio bar 502-509 / Mahler bar 465-472
  • Mahler "cry of terror" climax of the movement completely intact for 8 bars with only the Berio addition of continuing punctuated chords in the keyboards
Berio bar 504 / Mahler bar 464
  • Alto 2: say it again, louder!
Berio bar 507-533 / Mahler bar 470-496
  • Tenor 1: it can't stop the wars, can't make the old younger, or lower the price of bread, can't erase solitude or dull the tread outside the door, we can only nod, yes it's true, but no need to remind, to point, for all is with us, always, except, perhaps at certain moments, here among these rows of balconies, in a crowd or out of it, perhaps waiting to enter, watching. And tomorrow we'll read that [names another work on the same program] made tulips grow in my garden and altered the flow of the ocean currents. We must believe it's true.
Berio bar 510-517 / Mahler bar 473-480
  • Mahler continues in upper strings and upper woodwinds
  • Punctuated chords continue in harp and keyboards
  • Soprano 1 singing distorted Mahler in solfege
Berio bar 518-536 / Mahler bar 481-499
  • Fragments of Mahler in upper woodwinds, horns, timpani and lower strings
  • Soprano 1 continues distorted Mahler in solfege
Berio bar 537-554
  • Tenor 1: There must be something else. Otherwise it would be quite hopeless. But it is quite hopeless. Unquestioning. But it can't go on. It, say it, not knowing what. It's getting late. Where now? When now? I have a present for you. Keep going, page after page. Keep going, going on, call that going, call that on. But wait.
Berio bar 537-554
  • Mahler in violins
Berio bar 537-554
  • Boulez Pli selon pli Don opening chord in full orchestra
Berio bar 555-562
  • Webern Kantate No 2 mvt V in woodwinds
  • Tambourine plays Stravinsky Agon
Berio bar 556-570
  • Piano improvises on a passage from another work on the same program
Berio bar 556-558
  • Alto 1 imitates woodwind playing Webern Kantate No 2
  • Tenor 1: He is barely moving, now, almost still ... Should I make my introductions? [Introduces the 8 vocalists]
Berio bar 556-569
  • Violin solo plays fragment from Webern Kantate No 2
  • Soprano imitates violin solo playing Webern Kantate No 2
  • Bass 2 sings distorted Mahler on solfege
Berio bar 570-594 / Mahler bar 567-581
  • Fragments of Mahler in voices, horns, trumpets, timpani and strings gradually restore Mahler
Berio bar 570-594 / Mahler bar 567-581
  • Tenor 1: But now it's done, it's over, we've had our chance. There was even, for a second, hope of resurrection, or almost ... mein junges Leben hat ein End ... We must collect our thoughts ... for the unexpected is always upon us, in our rooms, in the street ... at the door ... on a stage.
Berio bar 594 / Mahler bar 581
  • Tenor 1: Thank you Mr [names conductor]